Red Wagon Tutorials, science made simple for teens. Courses available live-feed or downloadble online.

About Steve Rosenoff

Steve Rosenoff with mascot Golden Retreiver I was born again in 1968 at Canby Grove Bible Camp. At the age of thirteen, I was baptized in the glacier-fed waters of the Molalla River. Since then, I have served as a Regional Director for Campus Crusade for Christ, a Music Ministry Member, a Children's Pastor, a Youth Pastor, a Men's Pastor, a Traveling Evangelist, and an International Creation-Science Teacher. I have been preaching and teaching the gospel now for fifty-seven years and have never wavered in my devotion to Jesus Christ.

Professionally, I am a former research chemist and medical technologist with twenty-three years of laboratory expertise. Additionally, for the last twenty-five years, I have been teaching online science courses full time. Fifteen years ago, I started my own ministry, Red Wagon Tutorials. Over the years, we have helped educate 67,000 children in ninety-six nations about God's Creation.

When people ask me where the name “Red Wagon” comes from, I smile and tell them the story of how my wife and I delivered hot meals from the back of a little red station wagon to the homeless in downtown Olympia, Washington. Now, we deliver life-changing science education from Red Wagon Tutorials online. We have been faithful to our calling over the years and God has blessed us mightily.

Steve Rosenoff with mascot Maverick The Golden Retrievers you see pictured on all our products are our “furry family members.” They are also the mascots for our science teaching ministry. All of them have been special needs puppies: Cleo wore braces for the majority of her life; Maverick (pictured) was left to die by the side of the road because he had intestinal cancer; and Ginger has inner ear issues which causes her to lose her balance. We hope that their lives and stories help motivate those students who may also be facing physical issues that nothing is impossible with God. We collaborate with parents to make sure that every student reaches his or her God-given full potential.